Android 15 with features that turn the phone into a PC

Google is currently developing a set of features for its operating system for smartphones next "Android 15", which is expected to be revealed during its developers conference IO 2024 on May 14.

Reports have revealed advanced features that allow users of the new system to have a distinctive experience with their smartphones when connected to smart screens, approaching their experience with personal computers.

Technical blogger Meshal Rahman explained that Google developers are currently testing the possibility of using many applications in desktop mode on the way application windows, similar to the way they work on Windows, according to the blog "Android Authority" technology.

According to the video, the user will be able to open two adjacent applications as on Windows, in addition to allowing the application to occupy the entire extension of the Full Screen, with the ability to control the size of the application window completely.

The user will only need to drag the app window to the far right or left of the screen, in order to show the app on one side of the screen in portrait mode.

These features are very similar to what Samsung offers on its DeX service, which it recently developed extensively in cooperation with Microsoft, to work perfectly with Windows computers.

The second feature developed by Google on board the "Android 15", related to closing the screen, as the next version of the smartphone operating system will offer the Adaptive Timeout feature, which allows the user to make his phone use the front camera to see if the user is following his phone, and using it even without touching it or not, so that it controls the continuation of the screen operation, according to "Android Authority".

The new feature is similar to the Screen Attention feature, introduced by Google on board the Pixel 4 phones, which worked in the same way.

Through this feature, the user will be able to make his phone screen continue to work, even if it exceeds the time period for automatic lock of the screen lock, by continuing his face to appear in the vicinity of the phone screen, which reflects his interest and work on the phone, even if he does not touch his screen with his hand.

Android 15 is expected to start rolling out on users' phones that are compatible to work with it, by the second half of this year.

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