China launches 5.5G network services, Apple tests 6G

The wireless communications network market is currently witnessing a major boom, as China has begun preparing to operate 5.5G services locally, in addition to Apple's work on developing 6G network services.
China is cooperating with Huawei Technologies and China Unicorn to prepare for the rapid implementation of technical standards for 5.5G networks, to develop network speeds and allow the establishment of smart factories on a larger scale, which will contribute to an industrial boom, according to a report published by the South China Morning Post.

3GPP International set the global communications standards for 5.5G networks in 2021, and the final version of those standards, known as Release 18, is expected to come out by the first half of next year, according to Song Shaudi, Huawei Group's marketing director for the telecom network services sector.
Chaoudi noted that international suppliers will need to set up and configure their products to fit the new 5.5G network standard when they come into operation next year.
The new generation 5.5G will provide superior levels of speed and performance, as it is expected that the data transfer speed will reach 10 Gbps compared to Gbps with 5G, in addition to significantly reducing data transfer delays, in addition to significantly improving the performance of Internet of Things (IoT) networks, which will be reflected in raising the efficiency of industrial production lines.

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