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Millennium Technology | شركة ميلينيوم تكنولوجي نسخة أودو 15.0-20240210

معلومات عن Millennium Technology | شركة ميلينيوم تكنولوجي مثيل لأودو، تخطيط موارد المؤسسات مفتوح المصدر .

التطبيقات المثبتة

Product Wholesale
Product Wholesale Price and gain margin
This module to add receipt report in Arabic and english in qoutaion page
Storage stock
Storage stock
Sales Warranty
Sales Warranty for Products(Product Warranty)
Product Images In Order Lines
View product images in list view/order line.
من عروض الأسعار للفواتير
الفواتير والدفعات
الموقع الإلكتروني
Enterprise website builder
إدارة أنشطة مخزونك والأنشطة اللوجسيتية
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
نقطة البيع
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
المتجر الإلكتروني
بيع منتجاتك أونلاين
التسويق بالبريد الإلكتروني
تصميم، إرسال وتتبع رسائل البريد الإلكتروني
Centralize employee information
Products and Quantity on Sales Order
Display Products and Quantity on Sales Order and Printed Report
Odoo 15 Full Accounting Kit
Asset and Budget Management, Accounting Reports, PDC, Lock dates, Credit Limit, Follow Ups, Day-Bank-Cash book reports.
Print Dynamic Barcode Labels (Product/Template/Purchase/Picking)
Print barcode Labels from Product / Product Templates / Quotation / Purchase / Picking
Maintenance department management
Advanced Sales Reports
Advanced sales reports for Odoo 15
Product Barcode Generator
Default Make Barcode Module,New Product Barcode Generate App,Existing Product Barcode Generate Application, Existing Multi Product Barcode Create, Custom Product Barcode Generator Odoo.
Document Management
View Document Module, Filter Document,Document Management,Manage Doc Group By Document, Get Document Details, Document Manage, Manage Directory Document Odoo
Invoice Multi Product Selection
Invoice Multi Product Selection,add invoice more products app, add credit note products odoo, provide bills mass product, multi product select, invoice product odoo
Product QR Code Generator
Default Make QR Module,New Product QR Generate App,Existing Product QR Generate Application, Existing Multi Product QR Create, Custom Product QR Generator,Product QRCode Generator,QRCode Product Odoo
Sale Order Multi Product Selection
sale order product filter app, so product search module, quotations product select odoo, manage sale order product odoo
Sale Order Product Image, Serial Number, Tax Remove In Report and Online Quote
sales order product management, quotation report app, sales image report module odoo, handle so serial number, tax remove in sales report sale order Serial Number sale tax remove sale report odoo
WhatsApp Live Chat
whatsapp live chat app,Customer Whatsapp, whatsup live chat, whatsup chat Odoo whatsapp chat by odoo website, client whatsup chat module
Hide cost Price
Hide Cost Price,Disable cost From Product,Hide cost
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
جهات الاتصال
Centralize your address book
Schedule employees' meetings
إدارة أسطولك وتتبع تكاليف السيارات
نشر مقالات المدونة، والإعلانات، والأخبار
Alipay Payment Acquirer
Payment Acquirer: Alipay Implementation

الأقلمات / مخططات الحسابات المثبتة

عام - المحاسبة